Community Guidelines & Moderation

Last Updated: 22 July 2024

Teach.Dance Community Guidelines and Moderation Rules

General Conduct

  1. Respectful Interaction: Treat all members with respect. Hate speech, discrimination, and harassment of any kind are strictly prohibited.
  2. No Bullying or Harassment: Any form of bullying, threatening, or harassment towards other members will not be tolerated.
  3. Positive Environment: Maintain a supportive and encouraging atmosphere. Constructive feedback is welcome; negativity and personal attacks are not.

Content Guidelines

  1. Relevant Content Only: Ensure all posts are relevant to dance and the specific focus of the group. Off-topic posts may be removed.
  2. No Spam or Advertising: Posting spam, unsolicited advertisements, or promotional content without prior approval is prohibited.
  3. Quality Content: Strive to contribute high-quality content that adds value to the community. Avoid repetitive or low-effort posts.

Privacy and Safety

  1. Protect Personal Information: Do not share personal information (your own or others’) such as addresses, phone numbers, or any sensitive data.
  2. No Doxxing: Posting private information about other members without their consent is strictly forbidden.
  3. Safe Environment: Do not post or share content that encourages dangerous activities or self-harm.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

  1. Respect Intellectual Property: Only share content that you have the right to share. Do not post copyrighted material without permission.
  2. Give Credit: If sharing someone else’s work (e.g., choreography, videos), give proper credit to the original creator.

Reporting and Enforcement

  1. Report Violations: If you see something that violates these rules, report it to the moderators immediately.
  2. Consequences: Violating these rules can result in content removal, warnings, or in severe cases, banning from the group.
  3. Appeal Process: If you believe a moderation action was unfair, you may appeal the decision by contacting the group administrators.

Community Contributions

  1. Be Constructive: When providing feedback, be constructive and supportive.
  2. Encourage Participation: Welcome new members and encourage everyone to participate and share their experiences.

Language and Communication

  1. Appropriate Language: Use appropriate and professional language in all communications.
  2. Clear Communication: Strive for clarity in your posts and comments to avoid misunderstandings.

Profile Guidelines

  1. Profile Pictures and Usernames: Must be appropriate and non-offensive.
  2. Group Creation: New groups should align with the overall community goals and be approved by the administrators.
  3. Event Posts: Events must be relevant to dance and should provide clear details about the date, time, location, and purpose.

Inclusivity and Diversity

  1. Embrace Diversity: Celebrate and respect the diversity within our community. Everyone is welcome regardless of their background or skill level.
  2. Inclusive Language: Use language that is inclusive and considerate of all members.

Engagement and Interaction

  1. Active Participation: Engage actively in discussions, events, and group activities.
  2. Supportive Community: Support fellow members in their dance journey by providing helpful advice, encouragement, and constructive criticism.

Educational Content

  1. Share Knowledge: Share educational content such as tutorials, tips, and resources that can help others improve their dance skills.
  2. Learn and Grow: Be open to learning from others and growing as a dancer within the community.

Conflict Resolution

  1. Address Conflicts Calmly: If conflicts arise, address them calmly and respectfully. Seek to resolve issues through constructive dialogue.
  2. Moderation Assistance: If needed, seek assistance from moderators to mediate conflicts and ensure a fair resolution.