Common Street Dance Mistakes and How to Fix Them: A Teacher’s Guide
Street Dance is all about confidence, rhythm, and self-expression, but even the most passionate dancers can develop bad habits. As a teacher, identifying and correcting these common mistakes will help your students build a strong foundation and prevent long-term issues. This guide covers some of the most frequent errors in Street Dance and provides practical solutions to help dancers improve.
1. Lack of Groove
The Mistake: Some students focus too much on executing moves rather than feeling the music. This results in stiff, robotic dancing that lacks natural flow. We can often see this with dancers trained in different dance styles, such as Cheer Dance, where execution plays a big role in the end result and is needed for the style.
How to Fix It:
- Encourage students to listen to the music first before moving.
- Teach basic grooves such as the bounce, rock, and sway to help them find rhythm.
- Use exercises like two-step and step-touch drills to different tempos so they learn to match their movement with the beat.
- Cover some foundation moves in training and talk about how the body should move correctly over those moves so they understand the correct groove or what to aim for.
2. Overthinking Freestyle
The Mistake: Many dancers freeze up when asked to freestyle because they feel pressured to come up with something unique every time. Personally, I’m a massive overthinker too, so I completely understand the freaking out behind this one! 😂
How to Fix It:
- Teach students a set of “go-to” filling movements (e.g., two-step, body rolls, simple footwork patterns) that they can fall back on so they aren’t completely stopping or standing still whilst they feel or remember another move to do.
- Encourage them to understand the variations within one step. For example, there are so many ways we could dance a Bart Simpson or a Patty Duke besides the basic variations we know about. To get started, dancers could simply take 2 or 3 of these base moves (social hip-hop moves/dances are perfect) and freestyle for at least 90 seconds without it looking too repetitive by using the variations.
- Encourage a “less is more” mentality. Easy moves danced ON TIME win every time above lots of fancy moves danced super fast like we typically see.
- Play call-and-response games, where one dancer performs a move and another follows with a slight twist.
3. Poor Posture and Body Control
The Mistake: Slouching, stiff limbs, or over-exaggerated movements can make dancers look awkward or uncoordinated. Street Dancers should have the ability to perform explosive acrobatic and sharp intricate moves whilst being in a relaxed posture in order to continuously groove with the music.
How to Fix It:
- Teach students to engage their core to maintain balance and control or include core strengthening exercises as part of the warm-up.
- Use mirror exercises where dancers watch their posture in real-time.
- Break down moves into smaller components so they understand proper positioning before adding speed.
4. Ignoring Musicality
The Mistake: Some dancers focus only on steps or a routine rather than reacting to changes in the music, making their movement feel disconnected from the beat.
How to Fix It:
- Teach students about counting beats and recognising song structure in the music (verses, choruses, and breakdowns).
- Use tempo variation drills, where they dance at half-time, normal speed, and double-time.
- Encourage them to identify changes in the music where the regular beat disappears and it smooths out (like what we might hear in a bridge section of a song). Discuss how they can slow down their movements here and wait for the beat to kick back in before continuing with the energy they had before.
5. Rushing Through Moves
The Mistake: Dancers often perform movements too quickly, missing out on texture and dynamics. How many times do we see dancers in a performance setting go miles faster than they ever have in training? The power of adrenaline, eh!
How to Fix It:
- Emphasise pauses and breath control to create contrast.
- Practice movements at different speeds to build control.
- Teach students to dance “inside the beat” rather than just rushing to keep up with fast tempos.
- My friend Jeffrey Felicisimo always talks about when dancers “dance in their pockets,” and I love this phrase in relation to this point. It’s about understanding how to settle into the music, letting the groove guide the movement rather than chasing the beat. Encouraging dancers to stay relaxed and confident in the timing can transform their performance, making it look so effortless.
6. Forgetting Performance Energy
The Mistake: Some dancers focus so much on execution that they forget to engage with their audience.
How to Fix It:
- Teach eye contact and facial expression drills to build confidence.
- Encourage students to smile, nod, or interact with their classmates while dancing.
- Record practice sessions so they can see where their energy drops and adjust accordingly.
- Usually, in Street Dance, there’s no reason for dancers to sing along—unless it’s a musical theatre production like a ZooNation show where singing is part of their character. For general Street Dance competitions, battles, or performances, try not to encourage dancers to sing as part of their performance, as it can be distracting and take away from their movement quality.
7. Foundation Styles of Street Dance Are Key!
The Mistake: Many teachers stick to commercial and choreography-based teaching without delving into the foundational styles of Street Dance. This can limit a dancer’s understanding and growth.
How to Fix It:
- Encourage dancers to study the core styles: Hip Hop, Locking, Popping, Breaking, and House.
- Even if you don’t specialise in a particular style, introducing the basics can make a massive difference in how dancers execute their movements. For example, a basic understanding of Popping can improve strength and execution in any movement.
- Include foundation drills in class structure for a few minutes after the warm-up. Maybe for four weeks, you focus on five minutes of Hip Hop drills, then move on to House. Dancers will soon get a taste of the different styles and develop a better understanding of the amazing range that makes up the Street Dance umbrella.
Final Thoughts
As dance teachers, it’s easy to get stuck in a routine, teaching the same way week after week. But even small changes can have a big impact! Why not challenge yourself to freshen up your approach? Try introducing just one or two of these ideas into your classes—whether it’s focusing more on musicality, tweaking your freestyle drills, or adding a touch of foundation training. Not only will your students benefit, but you might also find it reinvigorates your own passion for teaching. Keep experimenting, stay open to new methods, and continue growing alongside your dancers!